3M™ Reflective Sheetings & Sign Materials

Product Good Visibility Means Safety

At night, it's critical that signs are highly visible. They need to perform in rural areas and brightly-lit city streets as well. For these conditions, 3M™ developed reflective sheetings. These highly reflective materials are designed for high visibility day or night. High-performance sheetings are durable, performing year after year, providing maximum value and cost-effectiveness

For more information, please contact your Lyle Signs representative.

Reflectivity Comparison

Studies show that brighter signage improves roadway safety. For more information view the high intensity reflectivity flyer  and the 3M Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity flyer.

Product 3M™ Diamond Grade Reflective Sheeting

Diamond Grade Reflective Sheeting is a cube corner reflective sheeting which is brighter than the prismatic reflective sheeting and ten times brighter than enclosed lens sheeting. This means greater visibility for drivers in all roadway conditions. It performs at entrance angles up to 60 degrees, allowing wide flexibility in sign placement. Diamond Grade Sheeting provides the brightest reflective performance of any durable sign sheeting available.

Ask us about the new DG3 Sheeting.

Product 3M™ Hi Intensity Prismatic (HIP) Reflective Sheeting

High Intensity Prismatic Sheeting is a durable prismatic sheeting which is designed to be at least three times brighter than Engineer Grade sheeting when new. What's more, it is guaranteed to retain at least 80% of that original brightness after 10 years on the roadway. HIP Sheeting is clearly visible, even at wide angles to the sign and in lighted areas, warning drivers effectively of upcoming road hazards.

Product 3M™ Engineer Grade Reflective Sheeting

Engineer Grade Reflective Sheeting is a durable enclosed lens material used successfully on traffic signs since the early 1950s. It continues to be used in areas with light traffic and slower speeds.

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Sign Materials

Sheeting Rolls: Rolls of reflective and non-reflective sheeting are available in standard widths of:

  • 6" wide x 50 yards
  • 12" wide x 50 yards
  • 18" wide x 50 yards
  • 24" wide x 50 yards
  • 30" wide x 50 yards
  • 36" wide x 50 yards
  • 48" wide x 50 yards

Choose from white, yellow, blue, green, red, orange, brown or black. Pressure-sensitive adhesive.

For more information, please contact your Lyle Signs representative.

Sign Blanks: Available in varying thickness of aluminum or plastic. Available in any shape: octagon, triangle, square, diamond, rectangle, circle, pentagon or pennant.

Sign Faces: Pressure-sensitive. Available with standard or special messages.

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Conspicuity Sheeting

Light up your trucks, trailers and public works vehicles at night with conspicuity sheeting. 3M™ Scotchlite™ Diamond Grade Conspicuity Sheeting Series 981 is a highly retroreflective prismatic sheeting designed to mark the sides and rear of vehicles for enhanced visibility and detection. The reflectivity allows approaching drivers to see your vehicle far in advance.

Studies show that heavy trucks marked with reflective sheeting experience 20% fewer night time collisions.

  • Available in 2", 3" and 4" by 50 yard rolls
  • Choose from red and white, solid white, solid yellow or solid red.